+ Option 2
- Dust
- Lighting fixtures
- Vents
- TV & other monitors (not screens)
- Fans1
- Door frames
- Picture frames
- Tables & chairs
- Shelves
- Bathtub/shower
- Bathroom tiles
- Bathroom sinks
+ Option 2
- Dust
- Lighting fixtures
- Vents
- TV & other monitors (not screens)
- Fans1
- Door frames
- Picture frames
- Tables & chairs
- Shelves
- Blinds1
- Behind wall units1
- Floors and Baseboards
- Wall behind stovetop
- Kitchen sink
- Microwave (inside & out)
- Toaster (inside & out)
- Load & run dishwasher (1 load) or Empty dishwasher if client left note
- Bathtub/shower
- Bathroom tiles
- Bathroom sinks
+ Option 3
- Dust
- Lighting fixtures
- Vents
- TV & other monitors (not screens)
- Fans1
- Door frames
- Picture frames
- Tables & chairs
- Shelves
- Blinds1
- Behind wall units1
- Floors and Baseboards
- Wall behind stovetop
- Kitchen sink
- Microwave (inside & out)
- Toaster (inside & out)
- Load & run dishwasher (1 load) or Empty dishwasher if client left note
- Bathtub/shower
- Bathroom tiles
- Bathroom sinks
+ Option 4
- Dust
- Lighting fixtures
- Vents
- TV & other monitors (not screens)
- Fans1
- Door frames
- Picture frames
- Tables & chairs
- Shelves
- Blinds1
- Behind wall units1
- Floors and Baseboards
- Wall behind stovetop
- Kitchen sink
- Microwave (inside & out)
- Toaster (inside & out)
- Load & run dishwasher (1 load) or Empty dishwasher if client left note
- Bathtub/shower
- Bathroom tiles
- Bathroom sinks